Ultimate Guide to Level Up Before 2025
2025 is just around the corner and now is the perfect time to level up our life.Why take resolutions on the new year day and grumble over the fact that you give up eventually.What if you started working on leveling up yourself before new year and start the year strong on a high note.If that is you then you are in the right place.So this is the Ultimate Guide to level up your life before 2025.This blog post will not bombarded you with a bunch of routines like wakeup at 5am,workout,get to work,eat well and sleep soon.It will show you how you can completely change your life from inside out.
Imagine waking up everyday and feeling energized to take up the day and conquer everything in your favour.Feels great right ? Yes it is possible because you deserve it and you can built such a life for yourself.In this blog there are different exercises and habits that will be your guiding torch to level up your life in 2025
Get specific about which version you want to level up into
This is the first and the most important part of leveling up your life,to exactly know which version of yourself you want to level up into.Without knowing this you will move into different directions without a purpose.I used to be that person,just randomly setting goals here and there like I want to start eating healthy,I want to start working out.
These are just random goals but what is the strategy that we are going to use to achieve that goal ?
So first what we do is we need to get clear about what your exact leveled up version of you look like.
Current me vs Future me
You can do this by doing an exercise called Current me vs Future me.I learnt this method in the Lavendaire’s Youtube video here.It is about where you are now and where you want to be in the future.
So what you do is you draw 2 stick figures which is the current you and the future you.There in the current self you write down where your life is,what are you feeling right now,what are your habits,your challenges,achievements and your setbacks etc.

In the future self you write down how you want your life to be what you aspire to be,how do you see yourself in the new era of yourself,how do you dress,what have you achieved,what your goals are,how many days you workout – the key here is to get real specific about the version of yourself that you are tapping into.
What this exercise helps you to do is to understand and reflect your current self their situations,habits while also giving you a clear path to become your future self.Now that your perfect version of yourself is locked in the following chapters will help you to step into that version.Now is the time to change your vibe.
Tune your vibration
What if I told you,that you can achieve your dream life and level up easily when you are in this right vibration.Below here I have attached the Vibration Chart.

If you look at that closely shame and guilt are in the lowest vibration state whereas enlightenment peace and love are in the top.When you change your vibration to peace,joy,enlightment and being the most positive person you will naturally align yourself with your goals.
You will naturally know your path and will say yes to the ones that align with your future self and no to the ones that don’t.
So one of the most important aspects of leveling up your life is leveling up your vibe first and rest of the other things will just follow.
You will be presented with opportunities and you will be on top of the game.
Notice your feelings and audit your life accordingly
Everyday start to be mindful of what you are feeling.Note down physically or mentally how you feel doing certain things.
Do you feel amazing when
- Going out for a run in nature
- Putting on a cute outfit
- Enjoying quality time with friends
- Getting yourself some flowers

These are the moments that make you feel like life is magical,that makes life worth living.So when you do a certain action you feel great,note them down and keep doing more of them.
Do you feel sluggish when
- Working in your hoodie lounge clothes
- Spending time with certain people
- Did not exercise for a month
- Not having breakfast
These are a few examples of the moments that make you feel like life is boring and unenjoyable.So do less of these.
This is how you audit your life and live more mindfully to level into your future self.Now its time to step into making your goals into actionable steps.
Get a calendar and strategize your goals into habits
I use my google calendar that is completely free for anyone who has a gmail account to organize my goals into habits.Having goals is not important we need to strategize our goals into habits and incorporate it into our day to day life.
If my goal is healthy body that helps me to climb the stairs easily,then I will have to workout 5 days a week,so I will have to schedule 45mins in my day to workout.Have a look at a timelapse of how I schedule my google calender to make sure that im on track in my daily routines to achieve my goals.
So you can color code to specific calendars like workout,office work,personal outings,cooking and other side hustles as well.If you would like to get a guide on how to use google calendar to organize your whole life click this link.
So this way you are now on track of your daily habits that will help you to achieve your goals.
Create a killer morning routine
See even though I’m a huge morning person im not here to preach that you need to be a part of the 5am club if you don’t want to.Some people prefer working in the nights so probably cannot wake up early in the morning.
A morning routine is not about waking up early in the morning if you don’t want to.It is about doing something for your mind body and soul before you start your work day.
I’m only telling you not to wake up at 9am for a 9:30 am work task.Give some breathing time to your brain.If you have a work task at 9:30 am wake up at 8 workout,enjoy a healthy breakfast,meditate,do something for yourself before you head to the workday.

You can personalize it however you want.I personally love tending to my plants in the morning and having a hot cup of coffee in my garden.Such a morning routine will ground you and help to start your day on a high note.
Stop waiting for until you feel like it and take action today
I know you’ve been there because I have also.We are always like I need to feel ready to start that business,feel ready to start that instagram page,start posting content.I know we all feel scared to start something new,feel like we cant post until we have a bunch of content ready in our hands or feel like people are going to judge us.
But that is the way our whole bodies are designed.We are designed to resist new things because we have not been there before,done that before so our whole body resists it.
But only if we take the first step,our nervous system will start to understand that it is just something new,nothing to be alarmed of.
So I have this method,when i get an idea to do something I take the first step in the next 15 mins.That step could be as simple as just putting the idea down on my calendar and noting it down.Or if you want to become a photographer this could look like taking your camera and shooting your first picture.

Believe me when I say this,only the first step is difficult and gives a lot of resistance, the next steps just follow a lot easier.
All these mindset shifts and habits will help you to step into levelling up your whole life.Start doing all of these steps today and you could become a whole new person before Christmas.Take action now.
Also read my recent blog post of The Only Sunday Routine you need for a Productive week ahead which is going to kick start your levelling up era.

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