How to show yourself all the 5 love languages ? Applying all the 5 love languages to self love !
How many times have you told yourself in the mirror that you look beautiful instead of expecting it from others?
How many times have you brought yourself birthday presents instead of waiting for someone to buy you something ?
How many times have you pat yourself in the back when you accomplished something instead of seeking a peer group validation ?
Dont you feel drained expecting love from others since it is high time we start giving it for ourselves.Girls is enough to self sabotage and downplay your abilities in life,since its the valentines month it is the best possible moth to start loving yourself more.
Gary Chapman in his book “the 5 languages of love:The secret to love that lasts“, explains the 5 different love languages (as shown below) that we can show to our partners.
But today times are changing where we are building a relationship with ourselves and this is the perfect guide on how to show yourself the 5 love languages.
1.Words of Affirmations
- Give a pep talk to yourself
In the mirror every morning,this can also be done by practiving daily affirmations while you are doing your skincare ritual.This helps our brain to rewire to be kind and to trust ourselves more.

- Give thanks to yourself
Every night before bed think about one thing that you are thankful for yourself that you did during the day.This could be something that I thank myself fir choosing to eat healthy instead of ordering take out
- Maintain a list of accomplishments
I’d like to call it portfolio of proof.Everytime you accomplish something write down a list and keep in somewhere you can see it daily.Everytime you see it it gives you a sense of motivation that you have come so far and to keep pushing further
2.Acts of Service
- Hire a house help
If you are someone who works a time consuming task you wouldn’t want to come back home and again clean the dishes.So hiring a house help will help you to maintain your house clean inturn keeping your physical space clean and mental mind free of mindless tasks.
- Maintain your working space clean
A clean space provides us a calm mind to focus on the task that we are working on,instead of the dust that is accumulating on our table.Take a few mins before starting to work to clean your space light up a candle put on some calming music and then start working.This will automatically increase your productivity

- Schedule yourself health checkups
Maintain a schedule for monthly or yearly physical,mental and dental checkups.This way you will be informed about your health condition and can prevent ailments easily.By doing this you are showing love and care to your mind,soul and body.
Receiving Gifts
- Buy yourself flowers
Every week just go out to a bouquet shop and buy flowers.This is an instant boost of self love.Arrange those flowers in a vase and everytime you see them you will feel a dopamine hit.
- Invest in your education
Be it higher education that you want to pursue for a good career or a baking class that you want to go to start a cafe,do it.Invest in your own knowledge and igft yourself a happy life
- Gift yourself an experience
If you have so long wanted to go for the candle light concert,or go scuba diving or anything that you wanted to do for so long but waited for the right time to do it.Take this as the sign to do it.Gifting yourself something that you wanted for so long helps you to fall more in love with yourself.

Quality time
- Spend a Home movie date
After a long week,take some time out to watch a calm movie before you sleep.Grab in some popcorn,light up warm cozy lights,throw in a blanket and watch this movie.This act will help you to spend quality time with yourself.

- Do a social media detox.
Every week on Sunday I don’t scroll on my social media.This act helps me to rest my mind and concentrate on relaxing completely and connecting with loved ones instead of mindlessly doom scrolling.
- Take yourself out for a solo date
On a special occasion don’t wait for someone to take you out on a date.Solo dating is the new normal.Book a table for yourself,order your favourite meal or take yourself out for a shopping spree or to a museum or take a stroll by the beach.These dates with yourself will help you to build a happy safe relationship with yourself
Physical Touch
- Take an everything shower
Once a week take time out to enjoy a bubble bath,taking a full hair mask routine and lather your body with lotions and oil.As you touch your skin be thankful for each body part that keep your healthy.
- Book yourself a spa massage
After a hectic week book a spa treatment for face or body and enjoy releasing all the stress and toxins.By doing this activity you are able to tend to your body by providing it pain relief
- Start a gua sha routine
Gua sha helps us to sculpt different parts of our body and releases the excess water that makes our body look bloated.So take time to oil your body and follow a gua sha routine.You can also start dry brushing for a lymphatic drain massage.

These are the different ways to show the 5 different languages of love for yourself.Fill your cup first and love yourself first.Now tell me in the comments below which one are you going to do this week to show love for yourself !

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Beautifully written and some good ideas too 🤍
Thankyou !