Ultimate Guide to close the gap between your current self and ideal self.
Don’t you sometimes sit and daydream about your future self as if you are living your dream life.It feels like we are watching a movie of ourselves.This shows us all the possibilities that the future holds for us and provides us a surge of motivation.
But rewinding back to reality we feel that we are nowhere near to those goals.Our current self is far from our desired self because we are far from it in many aspects.
We feel a drop in our motivation and gives hopelessness of being unable to achieve our goals.This idea of current and ideal self was introduced by Carl Roger a central figure in human psychology.
Our readers all share similar goals,where our ideal self is fitter,has more money,wakes up early,eats healthy,lives a aesthetic life,more social and successful.She reads 12 books a year,walks like she owns the world and have embraced herself with better skills and routines.
So to become her,here are some practical steps to close the gap between your current self and future self.
List down the exact traits that your ideal self has
Sit and day dream about your ideal futureself and write down their daily routine.What time do they wake up,what foods they consume,do they wear makeup,how do they smell,how much money are they making.Be specific about how your exact ideal self is like.

Ask yourself questions
Now that you know what your ideal self’s life is like,ask yourself deep down and understand why you want to become that person ?
If your dream self lives in their own house,where has that dream of yours stemmed from ?Is it because you have been living in rentend houses for all your life not feeling a sense of belonging ?
Dig deep down into your ideal self’s desires and find out your why.Why do you want to achieve that ? Now that you have a strong purpose to become your dream self.

Set actionable habits to become her
Now that you have your list about how exactly your ideal self looks and feels like and your purpose,now its time to take action baby!
Schedule specific timings in google calendar or notion for all of your newly formed ideal self habits.Even though at start it might be hard try and stick to those habits
Put yourself in places where your ideal self would be in.
If your ideal self stays at 5 star hotels, at present you dont need to immediately book a room there,just go out for a coffee in your dream 5 star hotel.Bask in the energy of the luxury and your ideal self’s vibration.
When you have a desire it almost feels impossible to achieve when you dont know how it feels.So doing things that will help you feel the life that your ideal self is living right now is going to help you to bridge the gap faster.Another eg when your ideal self drives a Mercedes, now your current self might not be able to immediately afford the car but you can afford to rent it out for a day go for a drive and experience how it feels to live like your ideal self.
Make friends who are living your ideal self’s life.
Doing This will help you to be in their energy and understand how reality of being your ideal self is like.Also your friends will help you in levelling up to become like them,ie your ideal self.

Stop living like your current self.
Today cut off the habits that your future self doesnt have.Do it.Im sure your future self doesnt lay in bed snoozing their alarm or skips going to the gym.Replace these habits with your ideal self’s routine
Every single moment you get some time,sit and take time to feel yourself living your ideal self’s life.Your success is inevitable it is just a matter of time until you become your future self.Feeling the energy of your future self and putting yourself in her shoes is going to help you bridge the gap faster.

Embrace self compassion
Becoming your future ideal self is long process,so to close the gap you need to cultivate compassion.Because sometimes in the process of getting to your futureself you would fail.During those times please be forgiving .Be kind to yourself when you dont meet your expectations and dont be afraid to make mistakes.No one’s ideal self is without flames it is our imperfection that makes us human
Focus on the progress and not the goal
The gap between your current self and your ideal self is the gap of becoming,the gap of growth.Dont try to rush it.Focus on small progress everyday and learn to enjoy it.Enjoy becoming your ideal self,so that once you finally become your ideal self you love her and embrace being her.

Life is so precious,you have a purpose to be alive and breathing right now.So use it to your advantage.Your future version already exisits go attract her ! Let me know in the comments below what are you doing today to close the gap between your current and future self.
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