10 ways to show up for yourself unapologetically to live your best life.

Have you ever felt like you are being let down by yourself or you feel that you are not doing the things that you said you would or that you are falling behind in life? This is a clear indication that that you need to learn to start show up for yourself

Showing up for yourself means taking care of you physically, mentally and emotionally

It could also mean that you have to learn to set boundaries, and keep them tight and learning what makes you feel good and keep doing it.

When you consistently do these practices and show up for yourself in every aspect of your life you build competence, self-esteem and finally confidence

With showing up for yourself you will also learn to be resilient how many times you may fall you will have the strength to get back again Here are 10 ways you can show up for yourself

Key notes

  • Simple habits to show up for youself.
  • How to not let yourself down
  • Stepsto take care of yourself physically,mentally and emotionally

Table of Contents

Set boundaries and Learn to say no

Saying no to something you don’t like doing means saying yes to what you enjoy doing instead.

It might be hard to say no when your friends are calling you to a party,but you when you want to wake up the next day early.You will be having to say no to the party so that you can have an early refreshed day after.

It is about delaying the gratification that is going to help you to level up in life.

Create more than you consume

I’m not here to tell you to ban social media and live a nomad life.

But set yourself a boundary that “I will consume social media only when im actively creating”.This has changed my life so much and has helped me to actively create.

But if you are someone who does’nt really want to post on social media,still be very mindful for what you are consuming.

Curate your social media to follow more inspiring positive creators rather than negative news or memes.So,that once you are done scrolling you feel inspired and not drained.

Stick to your words

If you have set yourself a manageable task within a timeline make sure to complete it.

If you have promised yourself to start exercising daily make a schedule and stick to it.Do what you say you will do.

This might look like a very simple idea but when you stick to your words,it mentally starts instilling confidence in you.

Your brain starts to understand that you will do what you said you will do,which makes you reliable to yourself.Inturn helping you to show up for yourself

Identify your glimmers and prioritize them

Pay close attention to how things make you feel. Take time to understand and reflect what makes you feel good and what doesn’t.

List down what feels good to you and these are your glimmers.Daily do any one of those acts.This could like taking a long shower or running daily in the morning.

For me it is watching a relaxing prime show in bed after a long day of work.These glimmers will help you to prioritize your happiness and enjoy simple days even better.

Speak kindly to yourself

I know speaking kindly to others will seem easy while doing that for yourself will be a task especially when things aren’t going your way.

I have a hack for this which I use daily, speak to yourself in third person.I might say to myself that I’m stupid but I would definitely not say that Sowmiya is stupid.

So talk to yourself in 3rd person and you would automatically become kinder.

Prioritize physical care

Caring for your physical health is just a way to honour your body.Your body only allows you to move and help you to navigate places easily.

So take time to care for it.Physical self care can look like,eating more plants,investing in a new skincare,going for a massage.

All the things that make your body feel great is important.

Declutter your space

A tidy space is a tidy mind.Take some time out everyday to just clean your table or the place where you spend most of the time.

Schedule time weekly to clean our whole apartment.Imagine yourself sitting in a freshly cleaned home enjoying coffee.

That bliss is real.This helps you to concentrate more efficiently on tasks.

Delegate your tasks

If you are someone like me who considers doing dishes a waste of time,appoint a househelp to help you keep your kitchen clean.

I only do the tasks that either brings me money or happiness,others I just make someone else to do it.

Who wants to finish a 9-5 come back home to start working and taking care of the home all over again ?

Stop giving attention to people’s perception

Everyone leads a different life. They might not understand why you are doing things in a certain way but that shouldn’t stop you from living your best life.

Don’t give power to people’s opinions and take a toll on yourself.

Don’t try to live up to their expectations since you can never fully satisfy them, live for yourself unapologetically. No one’s opinion should dictate how you live your life.

Pratice Daily gratitude

Start your day by writing down what you are grateful for. In that list mention something about yourself that you are grateful for.

I would mention something like thankyou for my eyes that provide me great vision without the need of glasses or thankyou to the writing talent that I have that is helping me to inspire people.

Being grateful for yourself can shift your focus and help you to start showing up for yourself consistently.


Start showing up for for yourself consistently eventhough it might be imperfect in the beginning.Buy prioritizing your health and happiness you can help others do the same.Fill your cup first and live your best life !


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