7 habits to exit your lazy girl era

Ever woke up and felt like you just wanted to be a couch potato and binge watch all day even though you have a load of tasks piling up. In this day and age a lazy day is much needed where we can give up all our to do list and rest, but it cannot become a habit.This will continue making us feel like we are constantly fatigued, unmotivated and experiencing brain fog.This will keep you in your lazy girl era.

So to overcome that we need to find out the root problem,why are you exactly feeling lazy ?Is it because you lack motivation for your job,is it because you are not moving enough and taking care of yor body or is it because you have any health condition.So the first step is to identify why are you in you lazy girl era.Once you have identified and found a solution for it,follow the habits to exit your lazy girl era once and forever.

1.Start with small changes

Once you wake up immediately make your bed, this small act will give you a sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning. Schedule certain days to clean out your room. Don’t get into cleaning every single part of it and again become overwhelmed, start by cleaning your table one day, changing the bed sheets the other day and cleaning your makeup brushed another day. By the day of few days you will have a clean calm room to come to. A tidy space is a tidy mind.

2.Set realistic goals

Don’t set goals that are overwhelming to you. Start by setting goals that are manageable and can be completed in the given time. When your goals are overwhelming we tend to procrastinate them making us lazy again. Setting unrealistic goals will lead to burnout as well.

3.Establish a routine

Start with a morning routine of going to a walk or meditating. A simple morning routine can help you kick start the day proving you a sense of motivation for the day. A simple evening routine of cleaning your space and laying out your clothes for the next day helps you mentally get ready to hit the ground running the next day. Once you have done your routines there will be a sense of accomplishment that motivated you to keep pushing and get all the other tasks done as well.

4.Don’t expect yourself to be perfect.

The perfectionism game is on the rise. Even though trying to be perfect will help you to be better at your work sometimes over perfectionism will make you do nothing at all. I suffer from over perfectionism all the time so, I stopped being a perfectionist and started being consistent and just showing up .This helped me to develop my skills overtime. Always remember done is better than perfect.

5.Keep distractions away

A notification from our phone is enough for us to get into the spiral of dooms scrolling without us even realizing it. So when you have a task to complete make sure that your distractions are away from you. I would just keep my phone inside my desk and have all my notifications disabled. Find ways to make your distractions less desirable as well. I recently read in a study that greyscaling your phone makes you use it lesser. The colors in our phone are designed in a way to trick our brain to use it more and more. So try this option to curb your phone addition.

6.Reward yourself

So if there is a difficult task to do set yourself a reward at the end of the task. This could look like a comfort food or a pizza treat. Or just writing down your accomplishment’s somewhere you can daily see will motivate you to keep moving forward.It will boost your confidence and help you to build competence along the way

7.Ask for help when needed

When you are stuck with something don’t shy away from asking for help from your coworkers or your friends. I would always call up my friends to ask them help with something that’s bothering me and they always show up to help me. This builds social relationships and also helps us to get things done quicker.


These are the 7 habits to help you exit your lazy girl era. Please don’t try to adopt all at once. Just keep adding these habits one by one, build one on top of the others and habit stack them. If you are trying to do all these habits at once again it will lead to burn out which we don’t want. Try out these habits and let me know in the comments below about how it helped you to exit your lazy girl era