6 unique ways to tap into your divine feminine energy on International Women’s day
Every year on March 8 th we celebrate the International Women’s day all over the world. It started as a way to eliminate discrimination against women and to give them equal rights and opportunities.Today we women are climbing our career ladder as well as succeeding our own family life.
When we are at our job or working on our business,we become very focused,motivated and put on our boss energy hat.We channelize our masculine energy to bring the most out of our job.
But we need not do the same at our homes,with our family,we need to channelize our feminine energy, the energy of love,compassion,bliss and harmony.The energy that has the power of peace and healing,that our family needs from us or even when we need to show this love towards ourselves.
We as women these days are finding it difficult to balance our energies between our work and families.So this is the guide to channelize your feminine energy into your lives easily.Every pointer has an example of how to use it in our practical everyday life,so lets start being our true feminine self.
Self love and self care
The first important trait of feminine energy is embracing yourself.There are the 5 love languages and click here to learn how to apply them to your own self and love yourself
We cannot pour from an empty cup,we should love ourselves first,taking care of ourselves physically,mentally and emotionally.This is the first and important step to be in our feminine energy,when you are happy with yourself you immediately get rooted,feel calm and safe with yourself.

Read the 8 pillars of self care post to know how you can incorporate self care and self love into your everyday life.
Listening to your intuition
We all women have that gut feeling about something or someone that almost always turns out to be right.In certain places we have to shut down our analytical mind and trust our intuition
This intuition goes beyond logic,enabling you to make decisions right at a deeper level.Spending time at nature and being away from distractions,technology can open up your intuition.
This feminine trait is always helping us in navigating through all our struggles and situations with ease.

An idea to use in your daily life is when you have to make important decisions in life,tune into yourself by simply closing your eyes and meditating.Calming sit and listen to your inner voice,that is your intuition guiding your.Just listen to it !
Connection with Nature and Universe
Feminine energy is deeply connected to the universe,nature and being in oneness.When we are in tune with the universe,we always feel that we are interconnected and are a part of something ourselves.This is to be in connection with the nature and tuning in with the seasons,the phases of the moons and the natural ebbs and flows of life

This connection helps us all to understand that we are in the realm of abundance.To connect with nature a simple technique is to sync your cycles with the moon and to understand your body type To connect with the universe is to meditate and listen to high frequency vibrations.
Nurturing is also the core of feminine energy this involves protecting,caring,providing emotional support for a loved one.Nurturing means to create a safe space for someone to thrive in,to be an empath .To heal someone and offer a safe environment that feels safe and secured for them to thrive.

To embrace this feminine trait you can care for a little garden,watch it grow nurture it with water,manure and love.You can also try caring for animals,providing them with food and shelter.By doing this you cultivate compassion and the ability to love.
Embracing lightness and joy
To be in your feminine energy is to let go for being rigid and hard.Divine femininity embraces softness and lightness.Even when things go out of control,we know that we can just let it go and better things are coming.When we know we cannot control a situation it is useless thinking and worrying about it.

To embrace lightness and joy we can do activities that help us connect with our inner child,like enjoy an outdoor picnic with friends,going for a swim,playing in the beach.All these activities could make us appreciate simplicity.
Creativity and flow
To be your true feminine is to be creative,since women are natural creators.Try and choose whatever you think would embrace your creativity and try not to be hard on yourself while dong it.That is the part of allowing yourself to flow.YBy engaging in creative activities you allow your imagination to take over.It allows you to express your most authentic self freely.

This creativity and flow helps us to create something that we can be proud of,like doing embroidery,arranging flowers,painting or writing.You don’t need to be the best and perfect to be a creative person, you just need to be you.Click here to get an idea of different feminine hobbies that you can try out !
To be in your true feminine is to inspire and create a brighter,uplifting world for yourself and others.Looking forward to know how you are celebrating this international Women’s day ! Let me know in the comments below.See you there !

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